February Links & Stuff

Hanover's Homless' Paper Vendor #237


The clashes in the Arab world continue, foremost in Egypt. There are a lots of journalists there now, under risk of their lives. The ABC has been publishing a list of journalists and photographers attacked on their site:

–> http://abcworldnews.tumblr.com/post/3089328425/weve-compiled-a-list-of-all-the-journalists-who


The best photographic work I’ve yet seen on Egypt clashes was done by the reknowned NOOR Photographer Yuri Kozyrev for the TIME Magazine:

–> http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,2046351,00.html


Photojournalism is in transformation, the iApps Market is growing and visual storytelling is to become an essential part of visual storytelling which is not to underestimate. I share the link of a Norse Website I newly came across with an astonishing collection of Multimedia works:

–> http://visualdays.no/


While multimedia and by using the internet, direct distribution have become quite popular, new methods for financing photojournalism and documentary photography are also becoming popular. While the reknowned National Geographic photographer Gerd Ludwig is gathering sponsors for his new project on Chernobyl Legacy through a video message on Kickstarter, the multiple World Press Photo award winners Anthony Suau, David Burnett, Danny Wilcox Frazier and others have launched their project “Facing Change – Documenting America”. And the Emphas.is crowd funding project is becoming shape. The BBC photo editor Phil Coomes published an interesting blog post last month on Emphas.is:

–> http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/photoblog/2011/01/crowd_funding_photojournalism.html